Spiritual pilgrims the world over who find themselves searching for transformation are forming communities of support that help to sustain their personal contemplative practices and build networks of awakening. One such community is the Oriental Orthodox Order in the West, which sees itself to be in solidarity with other contemplative bodies not only in the Christian world, but also in other of the world’s Sacred Traditions who support and sustain the transformational process. Our core values as an Order are, first, an authentic transmission of the wisdom of Jesus as an expression of Sophia perennis (Perennial Wisdom). Second, we are committed to the transformation of human consciousness and being through the practice of Interiorized Monasticism. Third, we work for the creation of a culture of contemplative wisdom that cares both for the world as a whole while serving the individual and the local community as the necessary ground of its work. The Order is inclusive and is composed of monks, postulants and many friends who gather in the contemplative study, prayer and practice.